Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How many times do you use electronic devices during the day???

This time is not about others but about me and technology. I tried my best to watch myself using technology, but it wasn't easy because I knew what I was doing. I used a small note book to writes down every time I used any type of electronic devices. I was very impressed with the results; keep in mind that these results may not be very accurate because I knew what was happening.

My use of technology started at 5:55 Am that was the first time I check my phone to check the time. But what was really impressed at least for me was that I cheeked the phone seven times from 5:55 to 6:30 Am. After that I got distracted with T.V from 7:00 to 9:53 Am watching the news then anime. From this point until the ends of the day, I listen to music either with my phone or with my computer.

The most interesting things that I found about myself were that I checked the time at least 67 times during the whole day. I listened to music most of the day even when I was using other electronic devises. I also realized that I don’t play that much video games as I thought I did, I played 43 min. during the day, on a weekend day!. I also realized that for the most part, I use the computer to read random stuff.

I was really impressed with these results, because I never realized how technology did affect my life. I never thought that I used this much electronic devises in one day, and also that when I ended using one I started using another. I still believe that I am not addicted to technology, even thought I use it all day long. One thing I know for sure, I can’t live without music. This video is about one of my favorite songs.

Super Spy

This time I “spied” on other college students, just to see how many of them did use electronic devices. My day started by me sitting in front of the library and seen how many students used cell phones, mp3 players and laptop computers. I stayed in the same place for about 50 min, and I found out that at least 9 out of 10 students where using electronic devices. What really surprised me was that there were some students about 4 – 5, there before me and they were already using electronic devices and they didn't stop, even after I went away, they stalled and keep using their devices.  

After my first period class I had about 30 more minutes free, so decided to continue my investigation, this time on a different location, closed to the two main parking lots at college. The results were not that different from before. But one new thing that I did learned was that there were many small groups of friends sitting and  chatting, the interesting part was that every time one of the members from the same group checked his / her cell phone the rest of them did the same thing or at least checked the time.

I decided to “spy” one more time at math class because I seat at the back of the room and I can watch all the students. By this time I was not surprise to see most of the students’ texting or hearing to music on class. Not all of the students did this; I say about 2/3 of the class did it. This math class is about two hour long, and after an hour we get 5 min break. At this point I went out side of the room, and I saw again most of the students checking their cell phones. Know that I think about it I might be one of them. Maybe some classes should allow texting on during class, who know things might work better.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Faculty Member College Interview

I interviewed one of the faculty members from college; she is Susie De Loa she is the Center Assistant for
Somerton Center.  I asked her about her opinion in technology. She responded that technology is great, but that it can also be dangerous using it the wrong way.

I asked her, “Do you think that technology is helping us or hurting us?” she responded, “I think it’s doing both because it’s helping us to do thinks easier, it help us find things, and we have lots of resources . . . but some people are using it for the bad, by stealing personal information and Identities.” She said that technology helps her while in work because it helps to find information about people and it’s easier to contact them; it also helps to save lots of time. And I totally agree with her, it’s easier to work online and to contact people.

Then I asked her opinion about technology and students. My question was if she had encountered any problem with students and technology, and she said that personally she haven’t encountered any problem with students & technology, and that she thinks that it help us to do our work easier, and it help us to find research online.  Then I ask if technology was doing more harm than good to students, she answered, no it’s doing more good than harm, but only for educational purposes, like I said before for finding more information online. This surprised me, I thought that she was going to mention something about distractions from cell phones in class, but it seems that even with these little distractions students are giving their best at every class and haven’t had any problem.

To finalize my interview, I asked her an open question, I said “How do you think that technology helps and harms students? “ She responded, it helps students because they can use all the different resources online, but it harms them by decreasing and not using their people skill, because they do things over the phone and trough emails. And that in my opinion is correct, because we spend lots of time sending messages to our friends and family members instead of talking to them or giving them a visit.

A College Student / Friend Interview

I interviewed one of my friends, he is also a college students, I asked him about his opinion about technology. And like me he uses technology for his classes, but he also uses it for working purposes. He said that having technology at work was great because he could be working at his job and doing work from college at the same time.
 The first question I ask was “What is your opinion about technology, do you thing that is hurting us or helping us?” his answer was “For me Technology is really great in many different ways, but mainly because of communication.” After that I asked him how does communication changes your life in daily basics, he explained to me that technology helps him to be talking and texting with his girlfriend, friends and family members all day long using his phone in any place at any time. He said that most of the time when he is at college or work his girlfriend is not with him, and he spends most of his time in Mexico helping his father with a family business, his phone and the internet helps him to connect with his love ones even if they are miles apart.
Then I asked him about his opinion about social networks,  he continued and explained that social networks also helped him, he said “you see I am a soccer player, and a really good one, but sometimes I don’t have the time to go to practice with my team, because I have late college classes, and I don’t always know when  and where are we going to have game, but my friends trough social networks tell me the time, date and place of the game ”  He explained that for the most part that is how he uses technology in daily basics.
Then I ask him, do you use technology when you help your father in your family business? He explained that they use technology every day, either by communicating trough the phone or email receiving questions and answering them, he also said that sometimes they have to meet with a client at random places or restaurants, and sometimes they have to Goggle the address to know the location they are looking for.
To finalized my interview  I went for a more direct and personal question, do you consider yourself addicted to technology? He laughed at first and then said, I do all this things every day, I also play video games, not much maybe 7 hours per week, most of the time I am not at home, I usually go out and play sports that is why I use my phone so much, other times I read, but even if I do and use technology this much I don’t think I am addicted to technology.

Monday, November 26, 2012

“Is Technology causing me to lose as much as I gain?”

Good question, for me as a college student the meaning of this question relates to time management. Technology especially computers and phones, can be hurtful to college student in many different ways. Computers can be distraction to student like myself, every time I do online homework, or work on a project using the computer, I get distracted in the middle of my work and always look up my social networks, I start to listen to music, or I began to Google my curiosities, at the end I lose precious time, and I am sure that I am not the only one who does that.

When I am not using the computer, and try to do homework on a book or notebook or even in class, distractions occur either by me looking at my cell phone to social networks or for new messages, or by class mates who forgot to silence his/her phone and the sound of vibration attracted my attention. Video games also affect me, if there is a good game that I enjoy playing, I could play the game for hours,  wasting time that could be used to finish work, study, or  by doing any other more productive thing .

Technology may be harmful, but most of the time it is helpful. It is true that while I use the computer I get distracted, but I still do my work and turn it in on time. English is my second language, and whenever I write something wrong in English, the computer helps me and corrects the word. I can also look up information to help me with homework of any type; I usually look for help in math and programming problems. Phones and video games can be helpful to communicate with others, friends, family members, you name it, and you may even play with them and talk with them at the same time. Technology can distract you sometimes, but for the most part it is a great tool that helps anyone with anything they need to know, from a cooking recipe, to the most difficult thing you can imagine. I leave you with the video I had created.

Link to video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unAbimonpuY

A little about me

Hello and welcome to my blog, my name is Luis Ortiz and I am currently a College Student.  I grew up and lived most of my life in Mexico. I moved to Arizona five years ago. I graduated from high school, where I learn to speak and write in English, and now I am attending college.

My goal in life is to become a well known architect. My college classes are not that easy, and I have never been the bet student, but I try my best. I have two main hobbies, one is math, it may seem weird but I actually like math, mostly because is challenging, and I like drawing, for the most part anime characters and landscapes.

On all my classes I use technology to complete assignments and to do homework.  I use technology every single day, for the most part to communicate with friends and to check homework  online or to end all my curiosities. I enjoy when other people is happy around me, that is why I enjoy doing magic, mentally and math tricks. I also like to listen to music while using my computer or on my phone whenever I go out from home. Talking to friends’ trough social networks and playing video games online with them is another of my hobbies.  Although most of the time I use social networks to talk with friends, I also use it to contact most of my family member that live in Mexico. Four years from now, I see myself as an architect making building and bridges, who know, I might be the one planning your new house.