Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How many times do you use electronic devices during the day???

This time is not about others but about me and technology. I tried my best to watch myself using technology, but it wasn't easy because I knew what I was doing. I used a small note book to writes down every time I used any type of electronic devices. I was very impressed with the results; keep in mind that these results may not be very accurate because I knew what was happening.

My use of technology started at 5:55 Am that was the first time I check my phone to check the time. But what was really impressed at least for me was that I cheeked the phone seven times from 5:55 to 6:30 Am. After that I got distracted with T.V from 7:00 to 9:53 Am watching the news then anime. From this point until the ends of the day, I listen to music either with my phone or with my computer.

The most interesting things that I found about myself were that I checked the time at least 67 times during the whole day. I listened to music most of the day even when I was using other electronic devises. I also realized that I don’t play that much video games as I thought I did, I played 43 min. during the day, on a weekend day!. I also realized that for the most part, I use the computer to read random stuff.

I was really impressed with these results, because I never realized how technology did affect my life. I never thought that I used this much electronic devises in one day, and also that when I ended using one I started using another. I still believe that I am not addicted to technology, even thought I use it all day long. One thing I know for sure, I can’t live without music. This video is about one of my favorite songs.

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