Monday, December 3, 2012

Faculty Member College Interview

I interviewed one of the faculty members from college; she is Susie De Loa she is the Center Assistant for
Somerton Center.  I asked her about her opinion in technology. She responded that technology is great, but that it can also be dangerous using it the wrong way.

I asked her, “Do you think that technology is helping us or hurting us?” she responded, “I think it’s doing both because it’s helping us to do thinks easier, it help us find things, and we have lots of resources . . . but some people are using it for the bad, by stealing personal information and Identities.” She said that technology helps her while in work because it helps to find information about people and it’s easier to contact them; it also helps to save lots of time. And I totally agree with her, it’s easier to work online and to contact people.

Then I asked her opinion about technology and students. My question was if she had encountered any problem with students and technology, and she said that personally she haven’t encountered any problem with students & technology, and that she thinks that it help us to do our work easier, and it help us to find research online.  Then I ask if technology was doing more harm than good to students, she answered, no it’s doing more good than harm, but only for educational purposes, like I said before for finding more information online. This surprised me, I thought that she was going to mention something about distractions from cell phones in class, but it seems that even with these little distractions students are giving their best at every class and haven’t had any problem.

To finalize my interview, I asked her an open question, I said “How do you think that technology helps and harms students? “ She responded, it helps students because they can use all the different resources online, but it harms them by decreasing and not using their people skill, because they do things over the phone and trough emails. And that in my opinion is correct, because we spend lots of time sending messages to our friends and family members instead of talking to them or giving them a visit.

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