Monday, November 26, 2012

A little about me

Hello and welcome to my blog, my name is Luis Ortiz and I am currently a College Student.  I grew up and lived most of my life in Mexico. I moved to Arizona five years ago. I graduated from high school, where I learn to speak and write in English, and now I am attending college.

My goal in life is to become a well known architect. My college classes are not that easy, and I have never been the bet student, but I try my best. I have two main hobbies, one is math, it may seem weird but I actually like math, mostly because is challenging, and I like drawing, for the most part anime characters and landscapes.

On all my classes I use technology to complete assignments and to do homework.  I use technology every single day, for the most part to communicate with friends and to check homework  online or to end all my curiosities. I enjoy when other people is happy around me, that is why I enjoy doing magic, mentally and math tricks. I also like to listen to music while using my computer or on my phone whenever I go out from home. Talking to friends’ trough social networks and playing video games online with them is another of my hobbies.  Although most of the time I use social networks to talk with friends, I also use it to contact most of my family member that live in Mexico. Four years from now, I see myself as an architect making building and bridges, who know, I might be the one planning your new house.


  1. What a great goal you have in becoming not just an architect but a renowned one. Magic, art and math what a great combination for a future architect. Good luck on your blog and nice smile!

  2. That is really cool that you came from mexico and had to learn a whole new language. I wonder what the transition is like.

  3. Mexico to Arizona must of been such a hard transition language barrier wise. Thats awesome you like math not many peopl do and it benefits you that you want to be an architect.

  4. Wow! Awesome blog, Luis! Great design, cool photos and videos. And very insightful writing. I enjoyed reading this. :)
